The Outreach/Communications Committee is responsible for overseeing SCI communications and contributing to social media efforts, the website and newsletter. Tasks could include:
- Generate SCI communications.
- Generate content for social media platforms (beginning with Twitter and LinkedIn)
- Provide advice on SCI website content/design
- Provide consultation to the Membership Committee on messaging and media strategies to achieve membership goals
Equity and Inclusion
The Equity and Inclusion Committee is responsible for ensuring diversity of SCI membership and working towards the engagement of all members, from diverse backgrounds.
Tasks could include:
- Annual data collection and analysis to identify needs for SCI as an organization.
- Develop a strategic plan of goals and objectives.
- Implement initiatives.
- Communication with all SCI Committee’s to ensure goals and objectives are being executed.
- Plan annual meeting events and/or webinars focused on Equity and Inclusion.
The Membership Committee is responsible for developing and overseeing the Society’s activities to expand and maintain membership and to promote diversity in its membership and in its leadership. It will advise the Board on membership and diversity, monitor trends (with the support of the Executive Director), help implement short- and long-term strategies to maintain and increase membership and diversity (including but not limited to membership drives), work with other committees to achieve diversity in SCI activities, and coordinate its activities with the ongoing (administrative) membership operations of the organization.
Tasks could include:
- Work with the Executive Director to assemble current information about membership size and diversity, retention rates, and other key factors.
- Consult with the Executive Director about past and potential future membership strategies.
- Report to Board on membership issues including the size and diversity of membership, membership growth, recommendations for strategies (campaigns, messaging, incentives) to address identified concerns.
- Implement strategies approved by Board in collaboration with SCI Committees, Executive Director, Board.
- Recruit and collect information for a Member of the Month program
- Conduct surveys of the membership to identify unmet needs.
Professional Development
The Professional Development Committee (PDC) is responsible for providing oversight and substantive guidance for all other PD activities. Tasks could include:
- Conduct an annual (or biennial) survey of the membership to elicit PD interests.
- Conduct an annual review of PD activities and provide a report to the Board with recommendations.
- Plan and execute webinars.
- Plan and execute Pre-Conference Workshops
The Committee will coordinate, as necessary, with the Board, Executive Director, and Program Committee to ensure a broad range of PD events throughout the year.
The Program Committee assists in the development of the program for SCI’s annual conference in a given year. The Program Committee consults with the Executive Director on conference budgeting. It also provides periodic reports to the SCI Board on its progress and vision for the conference.