The Society for Causal Inference’s Executive Committee consists of a President, a Past-President, a President-Elect, 2 Members-at-Large, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and the Executive Director. Individuals elected for these positions will serve a 3 year term, aside from the Executive Director, which is an appointed position.
2025 Nominations will be accepted from September 18, 2024 until October 16, 2024. Self nominations are encouraged.
The President-Elect will serve on the Executive Committee for three years, the first as President-elect, the next as President, and the last as Past-President.
In coordination with the Executive Director, the Treasurer will review and approve the arrangements for the receipt and disbursement of Society funds, and for keeping the Society’s accounts. The Treasurer will develop an annual budget for approval by the Executive Committee and report on the Society’s fiscal condition as requested by the Executive Committee. He or she will also fulfill other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee.
The Secretary will record minutes on all proceedings of the Executive Committee; oversee custodian of all documents, including bylaws; maintain record of the Society Membership Roster; oversee the website; send calls of the meeting to each member (or some other method of notification. He or she will fulfill other duties as may be assigned by the Executive Committee.
Members at Large serve as a member of the Executive Committee with specific assignments to liaise with SCI Committees. Committees could include Membership and Professional Development. Additional responsibilities may be assigned by the Executive Committee over the duration of the term.