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Primary Submission Category: Synthetic Control Method

Single Proxy Synthetic Control

Authors: Chan Park, Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen,

Presenting Author: Chan Park*

Synthetic control methods are widely used to estimate the treatment effect on a single treated unit in time-series settings. A common approach for estimating synthetic controls is to regress the treated unit’s pre-treatment outcome on those of untreated units via ordinary least squares. However, this approach can perform poorly if the pre-treatment fit is not near perfect, whether the weights are normalized or not. In this paper, we introduce a single proxy synthetic control approach, which views the outcomes of untreated units as proxies of the treatment-free potential outcome of the treated unit, a perspective we leverage to construct a valid synthetic control without the need for an interactive fixed effect model or a perfect pre-treatment fit. Under this framework, we establish alternative identification and estimation methodologies for synthetic controls and for the treatment effect on the treated unit. Notably, unlike a proximal synthetic control approach which requires two types of proxies for identification, ours relies on a single type of proxy, thus facilitating its practical relevance. Additionally, we adapt a conformal inference approach to perform inference about the treatment effect, obviating the need for a large number of post-treatment data. Lastly, our framework can accommodate time-varying covariates and nonlinear models. We demonstrate the proposed approach in a simulation study and a real-world application.