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Primary Submission Category: Heterogeneous Treatment Effects

Principal Stratification with Continuous Post-Treatment Variables: Nonparametric Identification and Semiparametric Estimation

Authors: Sizhu Lu,

Presenting Author: Sizhu Lu*

Post-treatment variables often complicate causal inference. They appear in many scientific problems, including noncompliance, truncation by death, mediation, and surrogate endpoint evaluation. Principal stratification is a strategy that adjusts for the potential values of the post-treatment variables, defined as the principal strata. It allows for characterizing treatment effect heterogeneity across principal strata and unveiling the mechanism of the treatment on the outcome related to post-treatment variables. However, the existing literature has primarily focused on binary post-treatment variables, leaving the case with continuous post-treatment variables largely unexplored, due to the complexity of infinitely many principal strata that challenge both the identification and estimation of causal effects. We fill this gap by providing nonparametric identification and semiparametric estimation theory for principal stratification with continuous post-treatment variables. We propose to use working models to approximate the underlying causal effect surfaces and derive the efficient influence functions of the corresponding model parameters. Based on the theory, we construct doubly robust estimators and implement them in an R package.